Being an Australian and having studied in South Australia, I made a few good friends down there. One of them is currently running a business producing some of Australia's finest stubby holders; a standard Australian household item and never far from anyone who's just pulled themselves a cold one out of the cooler. "What's a stubby holder?" I hear you ask. Let's ask my good friend Campbel Dandy, owner of Soupcan Stubby Holders.
1. For our non-Australian readers; what exactly is a stubby holder, and why do Australians use them? (初めに、オーストラリアンではない読者のみなさんのために、“スタビーホルダー”について教えてくれる?どうやって使うの?)
A stubby holder (or stubby cooler, or just ‘stubby’) is a piece of wetsuit rubber—or ‘Neoprene’—sewn into a cylindrical shape with a circular base put on it. It holds a drink and acts as an insulation device to keep your drink cold in hot weather. Traditionally they are available in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, the USA, and other places with warm climates.
2. Where did they come from? (スタビーホルダーはどこから来たの?)
I don’t know much about where they come from, but you can read about them under “beer koozie” in Wikipedia (god bless Wikipedia). The materials have changed a lot over the years; the original ones were made from plain foam. They’ve been around for years in Australia where they have thrived, as we have hot or warm weather most of the year. Every Australian household has a box full of stubby coolers somewhere, which is dragged out at parties. I’d say it’s an integral item on the list required to be an Australian.
In Australia, our standard beer bottles are called ‘stubbies’ because at 375ml they’re shorter and fatter than the standard 330ml slender size. These unique stubby holders are specially designed for Australian bottles, but the size and the stretchy material makes them suitable for just about anything from cans to plastic bottles as well. Most are used as promotional items for beer brands or other companies, but many organizations or clubs have them made as well.
どこで生まれたか詳しく知らないけど、ウィキペディアのbeer koozie に解説があるよ。スタビーホルダーの素材は、年月を経て変わっていて、もともとは合成樹脂の一種である発泡スチレンを使っていたんだ。スタビーホルダーは1年を通して温暖なオーストラリアでは必需品。どの家庭でも、パーティーの時に使えるようにスタビーホルダーの詰まった箱を置いていてね、いわば「オーストラリアン」にとってのマストアイテムさ。
3. How and when did you get into making stubbies? (スタビーホルダー作りを始めたきっかけは?)
Well, a while back we got our hands on a large format printer and some special ink, and then a heat press and the industrial sewing machine. The equipment you need is actually pretty simple, but the art of a good stubby cooler is in the making. We started by doing some as wedding gifts (including our own wedding, of course). We then had people like Gee! Beer’s Mr. Brotherton, ask about them for his own wedding. It seemed a bit of a trend was catching on, so we decided to put an ad on Facebook and see if there was a market. Business really took off.
4. How far has your business come? (ビジネスの調子はどう?)
We went from 6 orders in the first week to selling over 150,000 per year. Most of our customers come through out website. Our stubbies are proudly Australian Made with the highest quality durable materials, which is also part of the reason we believe they’re popular. We’re confident that they will survive many drinks and rough handling; we believe we make the highest quality stubby holders in Australia.
At the moment, it’s my wife Narelle and myself (Campbell Dandy) running the business. We also have shares in a small factory that does the manufacturing. We do everything from production to delivery in in Edwardstown in Adelaide, Australia. It’s good fun. We have a relaxed atmosphere, and make sure each and every stubby we make are produced with great care and much love.
5. How exactly do you make stubbies? (製作工程を教えて。)
The process is Dye sublimation. We print out a design and then heat press it onto a piece of wetsuit rubber, which is then sewn in a tube shape. It’s a pretty simple but it has taken years to perfect. I won’t go into details because everything indoors is a trade secret! I’ll just say that I’m confident no-one else makes them as good as we do.
6. What's the best part of the job for you? (最もやりがいを感じる時は?)
I love doing cool designs for people who like to have a laugh and enjoy being social (and maybe having a drink). I’ve done some good-fun designs for buck’s nights in Australia, and we get great replies from people about how they loved the stubbies. That’s the best thing for us, knowing our product is quality and appreciated.
7. Anything exciting up and coming? (これからのことについて、教えて。)
I have been toying with the idea of 3D printing. The idea would be to create a tube or mug to fit the wetsuit rubber in and have the 3D model and an inscribed logo fitted on the outside; it’s probably going to be very expensive… like that idea of a 24-carrot gold stubby holder I had… I’m still saving up for that one!!
Thanks for the interview, Narelle and Campbel!

Soupcan Stubby Holders