Saturday, 14 July 2012

Welcome to Gee! Beer!

Hi, and welcome to Gee! Beer, a blog about craft beer in the Kansai area in Japan. My name is Duncan, I have been living in the area since 2001 and I love the stuff. So much so that I've acculmulated quite a bit of information about it and decided to share it with those who might be interested. This blog has been active since summer, 2012.

Gee! Beerブログへようこそ。これは、関西の地ビールを紹介するブログです。私の名前はダンカン、2001年から関西に住んでいます。地ビールが大好きで、いろいろ調べるうちに培った地ビールに関する知識を是非みなさんとシェアしたいと考えるようになりこのブログを作りました。(このブログは2012年夏からスタートしました。)

About the blog title: Gee! Beer
So what does Gee! Beer mean? It's a play on the Japanese word for craft beer: 地ビール, pronounced 'Ji-beer'. The initial character 地 means 'local', and for this reasons I consider it better than the English term 'craft beer', so I'll only be using the word Ji-beer throughout this blog. And 'Gee!'? Well, it accurately describes my first encounter with craft beer.

ブログのタイトル “Gee! Beer” って一体どういう意味でしょうか?これは日本語の「地ビール」(読み方:ジ・ビール)をもじってつけました。また、「地ビール」を英語で “craft beer”といいますが、「地ビール」の「地」の持つ「その土地に固有の、ローカルな」といった意味も含めたくて、タイトルとしました。(このブログでは “craft beer”ではなく、“Ji beer”という呼び方 を使います。)そして、Gee! Beerの “Gee! ”はまさに私が初めて日本の地ビールに出会った時の驚きも表しています。
※参考:Gee (話) おやおや、まあ (驚きや賞賛を表す)

Who makes Ji-beer?
Ji-beer is brewed mainly by small local breweries in Japan, many of whom were originally Japanese Sake (or Nihonshu) brewers. Since the tax laws on alchoholic beverages were changed in Japan in 1994, reducing the minimum yearly literage for a license for beer brewers in Japan from 2,000,000 liters to 60,000 liters, the number of microbreweries in Japan has grown (source: Japan Brewers Association). For a list of breweries in the Kansai area and the rest of Japan, see the Japan Brewer's Association's list here. I shall be making my own list eventually.


Why do I love Ji-beer?
I really love Ji-beer for a number of reasons, and if you don't mind reading on, I'd be happy to tell you about them.


1) Firstly and foremostly is flavour. When you step into the world of Ji-beer, you are opening up the doors to an immense range of styles. Many Ji-beers produced in Japan are ales, which are a rare find on the often larger dominated convenience store and supermarket shelves. They tend to be more full of flavour and theres a larger variety.

1)何よりもまず、地ビールの「味」。一口飲むと口の中に広がる新しい世界、そして様々な種類。日本で醸造される地ビールのほとんどが 「ale: エール」で、コンビニやスーパーではなかなか見ることができません。豊かな味わいと種類の豊富さを持つエールならではの魅力があるのです。

2) Secondly, when you buy Ji-beer, you're buying local. It's a conscious choice, not driven by any marketing campaigns or lack of alternative selections. I have learnt that the bigger breweries in Japan (which you can research by yourself, I care little for them) produce a supprisingly limited and dull range of beers, where as the smaller breweries on the other hand produce a large selection of standard brews plus seasonal ones which change all the time.

2)次に、地ビールは各地域の醸造所等で買うことになります。豊富な種類(季節ごとの限定品も含め)の中からキャンペーン広告に惑わされることな く、自らが選んで買うことがきます。大きく有名な醸造所(気になる人は調べてみてください。私はほとんど興味ありませんが。)が売り出すビールの均一化さ れた個性が少ないこととは対照的といえます。

3) And the third and most important point for me is something I call the 'satisfaction phenomenon,' which I've only recently discovered and has changed the way I see beer. Ji-beers tend to be expensive, but a night drinking Ji-beer is always cheaper. The reason is quite simple. When I drink readily available larger only large quantities will satisfy my thirst, but I find that when I'm driking Ji-beer and once I have two I feel 'satisfied' and do not have the desire to drink more. Hence the night is cheaper.


Questions and comments always appreciated
I've been living in Japan for a while now and though my Japanese is not perfect I can communicate with confidence. I try very hard to thoroughly research all material before I publish anything, finding information first hand by interviewing brewers and beer related people. If you have any genuine feedback about the blog please don't hesitate to get in contact with me. I think you just click on the little 'about me' thing that pops up in the top right hand corner. You'll see the 'email me' button on my profile page.

私は日本にしばらく住んでおり、完璧というわけではありませんが、ちゃんと日本語でコミュニケーションをとることができます。そして、このブログで発信する内容は、醸造者をはじめ関係者へのインタビューなど自分の足で稼いだ情報、そして丁寧なリサーチ作業に基づいています。もし、このブログについてのフィードバックやご意見があれば遠慮なく、ご連絡ください。連絡先は “about me” をクリックしていただければ右角にポップアップが表示されるので、その “email me” ボタンを押してください。


(Translated by Sophie Umeda)

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