Monday 26 November 2012

An interview with Brent Jones, Kinki Homebrewers group

I was having a few beers on my birthday at Craft Beer Base in Osaka when Tani san mentioned that she’d like to introduce me to a couple of guys there, Maek Post and Brent Jones (photo center, with cap), who were holding the 1st of a monthly homebrewing meet up of the “Kinki Homebrewers Group” (search for them on Facebook). And yes, Tani san was letting them use the place to share their homebrews. They generously offered me some of the beers they had been brewing.

筆者の誕生日に大阪のCraft Beer Baseでビールを楽しんでいた所、オーナーの谷さんより常連客を紹介したいと申し出があった。それがMaek PostとBrent Jones(写真中央、キャップ)であった。この2人は自家醸造ビールの集会「Kinki Homebrewers in Japan」(詳しくはFacebookを参照)の初回会合をCraft Beer Baseで行っていた。そして谷さん自身はこの2人が醸造するビールをシェアするため、場所を提供していたのであった。この時、彼らは自分達が醸造しているビールを惜しみなく筆者に勧めてくれた。

Never having tried homebrew, I was expecting it to be a much more unrefined than what it actually was. I mean, I didn’t believe you could do in your house what beer manufactures make in their factories. Turns out you can! Maek’s IPA—though a little off according to the gentlemen’s palates—was an IPA in force; and if you had paid money at a bar and was handed it in return you wouldn’t know the difference between a ‘professionally’ brewed beer. Brent brought out a stout with a head that just kept getting bigger and bigger… I was blown away at how great it was.


He was also nice enough to give me an email interview about homebrewing and the Kinki Homebrewers group. If you just want to scan, I've highlighted thoughts I personally think are great in beer-brown.

今回、Brentは自家醸造、そしてKinki Homebrewers in Japanに関するメールでのインタビューに答えてくれた。筆者が個人的にポイントとなる箇所を、「ビール色」で表示している。

Q: Could you give us a brief self-introduction?(まずは自己紹介をお願いします。)

My name is Brent A. Jones. I was born in California, and lived in Oregon and Hawaii before coming to Kobe in 1989. When I am not homebrewing, I can usually be found teaching or taking care of some mind-numbing administration work at the Hirao School of Management, which is part of Konan University.

Brent A. Jonesです。アメリカ    、カリフォルニア州出身で、1989年に神戸に来日するまで、オレゴン州とハワイに住んでいました。醸造作業をしていない時はティーチング、または甲南大学内にある、Hirao School of Managementで退屈な運営管理をしています。

Q: How did you get into homebrewing? (自家醸造の道に入ったキッカケは?)

A close family friend here in Japan was the heir to the Hofmark Brauerei who happened to be in Japan promoting their all malt happoshu. He had promised to teach me how to brew and was feeding me articles (about brewing, not German articles like ein, das and er) before he was called back to Germany to run the brewery when his father retired. I kept dreaming about brewing my own beer, and then had the chance when another friend Tony Torbert (founder of the Kinki Homebrewers group) offered to show me how. We brewed a batch together, I bought a starter kit from Junko Saito at the old Beer Club shop in Kobe (now gone, unfortunately), and I haven’t looked back since.

当時家族ぐるみで仲良くしていた友人がドイツのビールメーカー、Hofmark Brauereiの後継者でした。当時、彼は日本でオールモルト(発泡酒)の販促活動をしていて、父親の後を継ぐためにドイツに帰国するまで、酒造方法を教えてもらう約束をしていました。実際、醸造に関する様々なノウハウを教えてくれました(ドイツ語は教えてもらいませんでしたけど(笑))。彼の帰国後も、私自身、自らの手でビールを作り出す野望は持ち続けていましたが、Tony Torbert(Kinki Homebrewers in Japanの創始者)に出会ってから、またそのチャンスが巡ってきました。Tonyと共に1バッチ分製造し、 残念ながら今はもうお店自体は無いのですが、当時、神戸のビア・クラブショップの オーナーをしていた、サイトウジュンコさんからスターターキットを購入しました。

Q: Is homebrewing difficult? Why do people do it?(自家醸造は困難な作業ですか?なぜ自家醸造をする人がいるのでしょうか?)

This question is difficult. I think I need to pop a homebrew to answer this one. My kneejerk answer is that homebrewing is not that difficult. You can get started with just minimal equipment, and it is a pretty straightforward process. Having said so, brewing good beer does take some patience and care. Perfecting you favourite recipes requires further attention to detail.

As for the why question . . . Because we can. Brewing is a great outlet, and you can just keep going deeper and deeper. And nothing beats showing up to some gathering with a bunch of homebrews and have people appreciate your efforts.



Q: Could you tell us about the Kinki Homebrewers Association?(Kinki Homebrewers in Japanに関して教えてください。)

Basically we are just a bunch of beer swilling jerks . . . I mean gentlemen and ladies. Tony wanted to have a Kansai-based group to share ideas and beers with. At least, that’s how I think it got started. We were kicking around names, and “Kinki Homebrewers” was the one that we both liked. And it stuck. The group got started in 2010 with a handful of members. We don’t have any concrete numbers at the moment, but there are probably between 50 and 60 of us.

簡単に言うと私達はビールをガブ飲みするおバカ集団です・・・ではなく紳士淑女のグループです(笑)私が知る範囲では、元々Tony自身が関西をベースとした様々なアイディアやビールをシェアするグループを設立したい、という考えから始まったようです。2人であれこれと名前を考えていたのですが最終的にしっくりきたのが、「Kinki Homebrewers」でした。発足した2010年当初はほんの数人のメンバーで構成されていましたが、現在は50~60人ほど所属しています。

Q: What about the facebook page? What’s it for?(Facebookの利用目的は?)

There are currently 45 members in the facebook group, and it was set up to share information, discuss “good” beer issues, and offer encouragement to budding brewers. We talked early on about using this as a place to share recipes, but I haven’t seen much of this. I have a few recipes that I would like to share and will try to get them onto facebook soon.


Q: Do you have monthly meetups?(集会は毎月ですか?)

We have had several informal get togethers, but nothing regular. We are currently trying to organise a monthly get together at Craft Beer Base. Additionally, we are talking about some group brew sessions in the near future, but are still looking for somewhere to do this.

定期的な集まりではありませんが、集会はやっています。今後はCraft Beer Baseで毎月集まろうと、今みんなで調整しています。また、近い将来、グループ醸造をやろうと計画していますが、今はその醸造場所を探している状況です。

Q: Do I need to brew beer to be a part?(参加するにはビール醸造の知識が必要ですか?)

Let me check the Code (aka extensive policy manual/charter/rule book). Nope, it appears that the only requirement is a love of good beer and a sincere desire for peace on earth.


Q: OK. I’m kind of getting interested. Where do I start with homebrewing?(自家醸造に興味が湧いてきた場合、手始めに何をすれば良いですか?)

The starting point for most homebrewers would be Charlie Papazian’s bookThe Complete Joy of Homebrewing.” It’s basically the bible and koran of home brewing. There is more information on Amazon and almost any brewboard. Most brewing kits available to buy also include instructions, but a little more background will help you with your first few batches.


Q: Where’s the best place to get starter kits in Kansai?(関西圏でスターターキットを購入する場合、最も適した場所は?)

These are the kind of questions that are asked on our facebook page. They have several kits at Tokyu Hands. Online sites like Advanced Brewing and Sakeland offer more selection. You can also piece together all the hardware you need from recycle shops or home centres for ¥10,000 or less. You should probably get a new carboy (or brew bucket) which will be another ¥2000 - ¥6000. The standard batch is 5 gallons, but you can adjust up or down depending on your system. Personally, I try to brew every weekend when the fermenting temperatures are good (10 - 15 degrees Celsius). My peak periods for brewing are Apr - June, Oct - Dec.

同様の質問をFacebookでも受けていますね。東急ハンズでもいくつかキットが販売されていますが、Advanced Brewingや、Sakelandなどのオンラインサイトでも色んな種類のキットを購入することができます。1万円以下であればリサイクルショップやホームセンターで買ったパーツを自分で組み立てたりすることも出来ます。これに2000~6000円追加し、カーボイ(20~60リットルの大型瓶)、または醸造用のバケツを購入することをお勧めします。標準バッチは5ガロン(約20リットル)ですが、容量は調整することができます。私自身、だいたい週末の、ベストな発酵温度(10~15℃)の時に醸造作業を始めています。ピークの時期は4月~6月と10月~12月です。

Q: How can the Kinki Homebrewers help me exactly?(自家醸造を始める場合、Kinki Homebrewersからはどのような支援が得られますか?)

We are your biggest cheerleaders (and we can help generate rationale, excuses, pleas for use with reluctant spouses). If you have any worries, just post a question on the Kinki Homebrewers facebook page and someone will probably have an answer (or know where to look, at least). This should get your started.

Great brewing! Oh, and yeah. When you have your first successful batch, please share.

私達は自家醸造を始める人達の最高の「応援団」になることができます。自家醸造への理解が無い旦那さん、奥さんへの理論的根拠、言いわけ、答弁なども考えつくことができます(笑)。始めるにあたり、何か心配事があればKinki HomebrewersのFacebookに質問をしてみてください。メンバーの誰かが手助けしてくれると思います。

Great brewing!(醸造を楽しんで!)あと、上手く言ったら私達にもシェアしてくださいね。

Thanks very much Brent Jones for the interview!
Brent Jonesさん、有難うございました!

(Translated by 井上典子)

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