From Left: Yoshiharu Hattori (服部義春) (Moku Moku Farm Brewery), Duncan Brotherton (Gee! Beer)
Having a wife from Shiga, I often spend the weekends driving around the countryside with them and visiting various places in the south of the prefecture. One day we visited Moku Moku Tezukuri (hand-made) Farm where I successfully pestered them into giving me the contact information of the brewer there, Hattori-san.
A chilly afternoon in autumn I booked an interview and had a bit of an adventure. This time took my oritatami (fold up) bicycle to Tsuge Station, at the end of the JR Kusatsu Line. You can get there if you change at JR Kusatsu Station. With a local kid eyeballing me as I unfolded it in front of the station, off I went, on a lovely 40-minute ride up to the farm.
Having a wife from Shiga, I often spend the weekends driving around the countryside with them and visiting various places in the south of the prefecture. One day we visited Moku Moku Tezukuri (hand-made) Farm where I successfully pestered them into giving me the contact information of the brewer there, Hattori-san.
A chilly afternoon in autumn I booked an interview and had a bit of an adventure. This time took my oritatami (fold up) bicycle to Tsuge Station, at the end of the JR Kusatsu Line. You can get there if you change at JR Kusatsu Station. With a local kid eyeballing me as I unfolded it in front of the station, off I went, on a lovely 40-minute ride up to the farm.
インタビューの約束を取り付けた秋の肌寒い午後、ちょっとした冒険が待っていた。なんと今回は折りたたみ自転車をJR草津線の終着点である柘植駅まで担ぎ、JRに乗り込んでみた。ちなみに柘植駅まではJR草津駅から乗り継ぐことができる。 柘植駅の駅前では子供に見つめられながら、折りたたみ自転車を広げ、ファームまでの40分間のサイクリングを楽しんだ。
Q: Could you tell us about the Moku Moku Brewery?
A long time ago there used to be lots of pigs here in the Iga area where Moku Moku farm is, and we used to run ham workshop as a kind of added value, rather than just selling pork. With the success of the sales of ham we started making gifts, which would sell in cycles; there were a lot of ups and downs, depending on the season. We also had a few wiener making workshops that turned out to be a big success and people started to come from all over the place for those.
Initially it was just the ham, but 17 years ago, the owners of the place expanded the area to include an agricultural park. They introduced farming activities, and created a place where people could interact with animals. It was at this time the brewery opened, becoming the second workshop in the place. Since then we’ve increased again to include a bakery and a tofu factory as well, and now we also produce Jersey milk.
I actually started working here 15 years ago, but I started learning about beer from the two original seniors, who were both locals who had been here since the brewery opened. The equipment here was actually brought over from Chekislovakia. As they were making the building they put in the kettle and the tank. Once it was all set up, a senior craftsman came over from Chekislovakia and trained them for a month in beer brewing. The influence of the equipment and the training is actually why Moku Moku’s pilsner is one of the longest standing beers here.
When they started 17 years ago however, ji-beer was still new on the scene, and they weren’t able to make much because it didn’t sell well. It was still quite early. Apparently our Moku Moku brewery was the 10th (somewhere there) ji-beer brewery in the country to be granted a license.
Q: モクモク地ビール工房に関して教えていただけますか?
もくもくファームのある伊賀地域では昔、豚をたくさん飼っ ていました。また、単に豚肉の販売を行うだけでは無く、付加価値を付けるためにハム製造所を作りました。ハムの製造販売が上手くいったので、周期的に売れ る贈答用のギフトを始めました。ただこれだけではシーズンによっては売れ行きのアップダウンがあるので、製造所のとなりにウィンナー造り体験教室を開催ま した。結果、これが大きな成功を収め、色んな所からお客さんが来るようになりました。
私自身は15年前からこちらで働き始めましたが、地ビール工房のオープン当初からここで働いている地元出身の先輩2人からビール醸造のノウハウを学びました。ここで使用している設備は、実際チェコスロバキアから輸入したものを使っており、建屋を 建てる際にケトルとタンクを設置しました。設置が終わった段階で、チェコスロバキアから職人が来日し、先輩2人にビール 醸造のトレーニングを1カ月間行ったそうです。こういった設備の導入や、熟練した職人のトレーニングによって、モクモクで醸造したピルスナーが長く愛飲されるようになりました。

Q: How did you get into beer yourself, personally?
The company I used to work for previously started out with an intention to make ji-beer, but they ran into bad luck. I also started as a brewing staff member, but I quit when things didn’t work out financially. I went around Japan drinking beer when I worked there, and noticed that ji-beer was a lot different from what the bigger breweries were making. That was the first time I really became totally absorbed in beer. I thought it would be a waste to just give it all up then, even though it didn’t work out with the previous company. After looking around a bit, Moku Moku took me in as a staff member.
Q: 服部さん自身はどのようにしてこの業界へ?
私が以前勤めていた会社が、地ビール醸造を始める予定でした。私自身もそこで醸造担当スタッフの1人として働き始めたのですが、資金面で上手くいかず、ブルワリーをオープンできなかったため辞めてしまいました。 会社にいた時、日本国中を巡りながら色んなビールを飲んで来ました。この経験から、地ビールは大きな醸造会社が造るものとは全然違うことに気が付きました。これがきっかけでビールにハマるようになりました。前働いていた所が駄目だったらと言って、ここで全て諦めてしまうともったいないと思うようになり、色々探しているうちに、モクモクファームが私を受け入れてくれる事になりました。
Q: How much beer do you make?
Well, we have 12 tanks in the fermentation room here; 6 one-ton tanks and 6 two-ton tanks. There are also 4 additional tanks on the other side of the hall in the bottling room. Only one of them is available at the moment. At the moment we are producing a lot of Barley Wine, so usually 3 of the two-ton tanks are full at any given time. It’s a pretty hard turnover of beer. At the brewery it’s just myself and one other staff member; Yumika Morishita. We do everything by ourselves, so we don’t make extremely large quantities.
Q: 醸造量は?
Q: Could you tell us about the styles you make?
We must have made over 60 different beers in the past. We have a long history. We usually have Haru Urara available, and the Golden Pilsner. Aside from the standards our brews rotate in and out depending on the season. In summer we offer the Red Larger, and then in November and December we sell the Amber Ale. Last autumn we put out a Blueberry Ale, and then we also have our Barley Wine.
The Golden Pilsner and Amber Ale have been around since the opening of the place. We tend to brew old favorites or beers that people enjoy, like Haru Urara. Having a constant turnover of styles is hard because we don’t have the tank capacity. That’s the big reason we try to keep it seasonal. The Barley Wine is a bit of a characteristic mainstay at the moment. It’s a beer, but not really a beer; at 10%, it’s sweet like a sherry and a really heady aroma to it. It’s something different altogether.
Q: 醸造しているビールのスタイルについて教えていただけますか?
ゴールデンピルスナーとアンバーエールは、地ビール工房の開業時からある商品です。普段、古くから好まれているビールや、春うららのような人気のあるものを中心に造っています。タンクの容量に限りがあるので、絶えず 入れ変えをするのは結構大変ですので、季節によって変えるようにしています。今の所バーレーワインがちょっと特徴のある主力製品になっています。ビールだけれど、ビールでは無い、みたいな。アルコール度数10パーセントで、シェリー酒のような甘くて芳醇な香りが特徴ですね。全体的に他の商品とは異なります。
Q: What would you recommend for to new drinkers?
I usually try to ask what people like to drink before I recommend something, but usually I recommend the golden pilsner for guys who like beer. It’s a little sweet, so it’s popular with ladies, who usually don’t drink a lot of beer. If you’re a real beer drinker, try the slightly sweet Haru Urara. But personally, I’m really proud of our Barley Wine too.
Q: 新しく挑戦する人にはどのようなビールをお勧めしますか?
Q: Could you tell us about the “Moonlight Ale” beer you produced? It has an interesting concept.
The whole time the beer was fermenting, we played it Debussy’s famous classic Moonlight Sonata (Clair de Lune) continuously to celebrate the 150th year of his birthday (in 2012). We’ve actually been doing concept beers like this on and off for a while now. Something good might happen to the beer even if it’s only at the atomic level, and that’s why we do it. In previous years, we’ve also put out beers that have had Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin and Liszt played to them. We also put them out in autumn, which is a time for the arts and enjoying things like this. We’ve been trying to do one a year.
Q: 服部さんがプロデュースされた「月の光のエール」に関して教えていただけますか? なんだか面白そうなコンセプトですが・・
Q: Have Moku Moku’s beers won any awards?
Yes, Haru Urara took gold in an American hefeweizen style in the World Beer Cup (WBC). The Golden pilsner took a bronze (WBC) a while ago in the bohemian pilsner, which is a Chekislovakian style. That was quite a while though.
Q: モクモクの地ビールの受賞経験は?
そうですね。過去には「春うらら」がワールド・ビア・カップ(WBC)にてアメリカンスタイル・ヘーフェヴァイツェン・スタイルで金賞を獲得しました。あと、かなり昔の話ですが、「ゴールデンピルスナー」もWBCでチェコスロバキアのスタイルである、ボヘミアン・ピルスナーで銅賞を受賞しました 。
Q: Could you tell us about Moku Moku’s customers?We have customers visiting Moku Moku Farm from Osaka and Kyoto, but also from Nagoya as well. Here in Mie, we’re kind of in the middle. A new highway has popped up recently, making access a little easier. Because of the attractions of the farm, we also get a lot of parents bringing their kids on the brewery tours as well. However, a lot of the customer’s don’t know about beer, so we’re generally introducing something totally new to them.
Customers love to have a sample poured directly from the fermenting tanks for them; it gets them interested. I guess most places don’t really do this. It’s something we do to try to get them to understand a little bit more about the fermentation process.
We want people to enjoy what they drink, so we try to offer a range of really different styles. If people can drinking something and enjoy it, without worrying about what style it is, then they’ll probably go right on to the next ji-beer without hesitating. I’m happy if just one of the beers suits our customer’s tastes.
Q: モクモクに来場されるお客さんについて教えてください。
Q: Could you tell us about any plans you have for the future?
Tough question. At the moment, we can’t supply our Barley Wine all year. That’s a short-term goal we’re aiming for, to supply it all year. It’s not just a brewery goal, but my own personal one as well. Also, I’d like to be able to produce all kinds of beers (happoushu) from the farm’s vegetables and fruit sometime in the future. Though it might not be as luxurious compared to the high-quality ingredients available through purchase, it’d be personally satisfying.
We’re always trying to create a chance to introduce great beer to our visitors. We hold numerous beer tours everyday, where even the kids participate (without drinking, of course). The best thing we can do is try to create an opening for people to try something new. If people actually try our beers and like them—even if it’s something so simple as them wanting to try something else—well then great. I wouldn’t call our beers an adventure, but for these new people, it’s something close to it.
We’re going to continue doing this. Here at Moku Moku farm, we’re always working to try to increase the beer population.
Q: 今後のプランは? 難しい質問ですね。バーレーワインは年中提供することができないので、短期的な目標として、今後は一年中提供できるようにしたいと思います。これは工房としての目標だけでは無く、私個人の目標でもありますね。あと将来的には、ファームで作った野菜・果物からたくさんの種類のビール(発泡酒)を造ってみたいと思います。 豪華な材料を使って造ったものと比べ、高級ではないですが、それが完成できたら私個人として満足ですね。
私達は来場いただいた方に、良いビールを紹介する場を作り続けたいと考えています。そこでお子さん参加型の工場見学を一日に何度か開催したりしています(もちろんお子さんは飲酒厳禁です)。来場者には、何か新しい体験をしてほしいと感じています。来ていただいた方に私達が造ったビールを楽しんでもらい「他の地ビールも試してみたい」と感じてもらえれば、それで十分ですね。 私達のビールは決して冒険と呼ぶものではないかもしれないですが、新しく挑戦する人にとっては冒険に近い物があると思います。
Q: And lastly, where can we drink Moku Moku Beers?You can get beers on tap at our restaurants, but unfortunately you can’t buy the bottles there (we don’t have the license to sell them). The easiest way to get bottles would be at our online shop. You’ll have to pay for the shipping, but it’s the fastest way. Or you can always come and spend the day at Moku Moku farm and enjoy yourself.
Q: 最後に、モクモクのビールはどこで飲むことが出来ますか?